
Linux Virtual Background Without Green Screen

Open up Source Virtual Background

:linux: 🎥

April ninth, 2020

With many of us around the world under shelter in place due to COVID-19 video calls have become a lot more mutual. In item, ZOOM has controversially become very popular. Arguably Zoom's near interesting feature is the "Virtual Background" back up which allows users to replace the background behind them in their webcam video feed with any image (or video).

I've been using Zoom for a long fourth dimension at piece of work for Kubernetes open source meetings, normally from my visitor laptop. With daily "work from home" I'm now inclined to use my more than powerful and ergonomic personal desktop for some of my open source piece of work.

Unfortunately, Zoom's linux client only supports the "chroma-key" A.Grand.A. "greenish screen" background removal method. This method requires a solid colour backdrop, ideally a light-green screen with uniform lighting.

Since I do non have a green screen I decided to simply implement my ain groundwork removal, which was obviously ameliorate than cleaning my apartment or just using my laptop all the fourth dimension. 😀

Information technology turns out we tin can really become pretty decent results with off the shelf, open source components and just a footling of our own code.

Reading The Camera

First thing'southward first: How are nosotros going to become the video feed from our webcam for processing?

Since I use Linux on my personal desktop (when non playing PC games) I chose to use the OpenCV python bindings as I'k already familiar with them and they include useful paradigm processing primitives in addition to V4L2 bindings for reading from webcams.

Reading a frame from the webcam with python-opencv is very simple:

                                          1                                  import                  cv2                                                            ii                                  cap                  =                  cv2                  .                  VideoCapture                  (                  '/dev/video0'                  )                                                            3                                  success                  ,                  frame                  =                  cap                  .                  read                  ()                                                    

For better results with my photographic camera before capturing set:

                                          i                                  # configure photographic camera for 720p @ 60 FPS                                                            2                                  height                  ,                  width                  =                  720                  ,                  1280                                                            3                                  cap                  .                  set up                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH                  ,                  width                  )                                                            four                                  cap                  .                  gear up                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT                  ,                  top                  )                                                            5                                  cap                  .                  set up                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FPS                  ,                  60                  )                                                    

Most video conferencing software seems to cap video to 720p @ 30 FPS or lower, just we won't necessarily read every frame anyhow, this sets an upper limit.

Put the frame capture in a loop and we've got our video feed!

                                          ane                                  while                  True                  :                                                            ii                                  success                  ,                  frame                  =                  cap                  .                  read                  ()                                                    

We tin save a test frame with merely:

                                          1                                  cv2                  .                  imwrite                  (                  "examination.jpg"                  ,                  frame                  )                                                    

And now nosotros can see that our camera works. Success!

a successful webcam picture of myself

Don't mind my corona bristles …

Finding The Background

OK, now that we take a video feed, how exercise we identify the background so we can replace it? This is the catchy office …

While Zoom doesn't seem to take commented anywhere virtually how they implemented this, the way it behaves makes me suspect that a neural network is involved, it's difficult to explain just the results wait like 1. Additionally, I establish an article virtually Microsoft Teams implementing groundwork blur with a convolutional neural network.

Creating our ain network wouldn't be as well difficult in principle – There are many articles and papers on the topic of image partitioning and plenty of open source libraries and tools, but we demand a fairly specialized dataset to go practiced results.

Specifically we'd demand lots of webcam similar images with the platonic man foreground marked pixel past pixel versus the background.

Edifice this sort of dataset in preparation for training a neural internet probably would exist a lot of work. Thankfully a research team at Google has already done all of this hard work and open sourced a pre-trained neural network for "person segmentation" called BodyPix that works pretty well! ❤️

BodyPix is currently only available in TensorFlow.js form, then the easiest style to use it is from the body-pix-node library.

To go faster inference (prediction) in the browser a WebGL backend is preferred, but in node nosotros can employ the Tensorflow GPU backend (NOTE: this requires a NVIDIA Graphics Card, which I have).

To make this easier to setup, we'll first past setting up a pocket-size containerized tensorflow-gpu + node environment / project. Using this with nvidia-docker is much easier than getting all of the correct dependencies setup on your host, information technology simply requires docker and an up-to-appointment GPU driver on the host.

                                          ane                                  {                                                            2                                  "name"                  :                  "bodypix"                  ,                                                            3                                  "version"                  :                  "0.0.1"                  ,                                                            iv                                  "dependencies"                  :                  {                                                            5                                  "@tensorflow-models/body-pix"                  :                  "^2.0.5"                  ,                                                            6                                  "@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu"                  :                  "^1.7.1"                                                            7                                  }                                                            eight                                  }                                                    


                                                            ane                                  # Base of operations image with TensorFlow GPU requirements                                                                                                                  ii                                                    FROM                                                                                                                                              iii                                                    # Install node                                                                                                                  4                                                    RUN                  apt update                  &&                  apt install -y whorl make build-essential                  \                                                                                                5                                                    &&                  curlicue -sL                  |                  bash -                  \                                                                                                6                                                    &&                  apt-get -y install nodejs                  \                                                                                                7                                                    &&                  mkdir /.npm                  \                                                                                                8                                                    &&                  chmod                  777                  /.npm                                                                                                9                                                    # Ensure we tin get enough GPU retentiveness                                                                                                x                                                    # Unfortunately tfjs-node-gpu exposes no gpu configuration :(                                                                                                xi                                                    ENV                  TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH                  =                  true                                                            12                                  # Install node bundle dependencies                                                                                                thirteen                                                    WORKDIR                                      /src                                                                                                xiv                                                    Copy                  package.json /src/                                                                              15                                                    RUN                  npm install                                                                              sixteen                                                    # Setup our app equally the entrypoint                                                                                                17                                                    COPY                  app.js /src/                                                                              18                                                    ENTRYPOINT                  node /src/app.js                                                                      

Now to serve the results… WARNING: I am not a node expert! This is merely my quick evening hack, bear with me :-)

The following simple script replies to an HTTP Postal serviceed prototype with a binary mask (an 2d array of binary pixels, where nil pixels are the groundwork).

                                                            1                                  const                  tf                  =                  require                  (                  '@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu'                  );                                                                              ii                                  const                  bodyPix                  =                  crave                  (                  '@tensorflow-models/body-pix'                  );                                                                              3                                  const                  http                  =                  require                  (                  'http'                  );                                                                              4                                  (                  async                  ()                  =>                  {                                                                              five                                  const                  cyberspace                  =                  await                  bodyPix                  .                  load                  ({                                                                              six                                  architecture                  :                  'MobileNetV1'                  ,                                                                              vii                                  outputStride                  :                  16                  ,                                                                              8                                  multiplier                  :                  0.75                  ,                                                                              9                                  quantBytes                  :                  2                  ,                                                            10                                  });                                                            11                                  const                  server                  =                  http                  .                  createServer                  ();                                                            12                                  server                  .                  on                  (                  'request'                  ,                  async                  (                  req                  ,                  res                  )                  =>                  {                                                            thirteen                                  var                  chunks                  =                  [];                                                            14                                  req                  .                  on                  (                  'information'                  ,                  (                  chunk                  )                  =>                  {                                                            15                                  chunks                  .                  push                  (                  clamper                  );                                                            sixteen                                  });                                                            17                                  req                  .                  on                  (                  'end'                  ,                  async                  ()                  =>                  {                                                            xviii                                  const                  image                  =                  tf                  .                  node                  .                  decodeImage                  (                  Buffer                  .                  concat                  (                  chunks                  ));                                                            19                                  segmentation                  =                  await                  net                  .                  segmentPerson                  (                  image                  ,                  {                                                            twenty                                  flipHorizontal                  :                  false                  ,                                                            21                                  internalResolution                  :                  'medium'                  ,                                                            22                                  segmentationThreshold                  :                  0.7                  ,                                                            23                                  });                                                            24                                  res                  .                  writeHead                  (                  200                  ,                  {                  'Content-Type'                  :                  'awarding/octet-stream'                  });                                                            25                                  res                  .                  write                  (                  Buffer                  .                  from                  (                  partition                  .                  data                  ));                                                            26                                  res                  .                  end                  ();                                                            27                                  tf                  .                  dispose                  (                  paradigm                  );                                                            28                                  });                                                            29                                  });                                                            30                                  server                  .                  listen                  (                  9000                  );                                                            31                                  })();                                                    

We can employ numpy and requests to convert a frame to a mask from our python script with the following method:

                                                            ane                                  def                  get_mask                  (                  frame                  ,                  bodypix_url                  =                  'http://localhost:9000'                  ):                                                                              ii                                  _                  ,                  information                  =                  cv2                  .                  imencode                  (                  ".jpg"                  ,                  frame                  )                                                                              three                                  r                  =                  requests                  .                  post                  (                                                                              4                                  url                  =                  bodypix_url                  ,                                                                              5                                  data                  =                  information                  .                  tobytes                  (),                                                                              half-dozen                                  headers                  =                  {                  'Content-Blazon'                  :                  'application/octet-stream'                  })                                                                              7                                  # catechumen raw bytes to a numpy array                                                                              8                                  # raw data is uint8[width * pinnacle] with value 0 or ane                                                                              nine                                  mask                  =                  np                  .                  frombuffer                  (                  r                  .                  content                  ,                  dtype                  =                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                                                            10                                  mask                  =                  mask                  .                  reshape                  ((                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  0                  ],                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  1                  ]))                                                            11                                  return                  mask                                                    

Which gives u.s. a upshot something similar:

While I was working on this, I spotted this tweet:

At present that we have the foreground / groundwork mask, it will be piece of cake to supplant the background.

Subsequently grabbing the awesome "Virtual Background" flick from that twitter thread and cropping information technology to a 16:ix ratio epitome …

… we can do the following:

                                                            1                                  # read in a "virtual background" (should be in 16:9 ratio)                                                                              2                                  replacement_bg_raw                  =                  cv2                  .                  imread                  (                  "groundwork.jpg"                  )                                                                              iii                                                                                              4                                  # resize to match the frame (width & height from before)                                                                              5                                  width                  ,                  height                  =                  720                  ,                  1280                                                                              6                                  replacement_bg                  =                  cv2                  .                  resize                  (                  replacement_bg_raw                  ,                  (                  width                  ,                  height                  ))                                                                              7                                                                                              viii                                  # combine the background and foreground, using the mask and its inverse                                                                              9                                  inv_mask                  =                  1                  -                  mask                                                            10                                  for                  c                  in                  range                  (                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  2                  ]):                                                            xi                                  frame                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  =                  frame                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  *                  mask                  +                  replacement_bg                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  *                  inv_mask                                                    

Which gives usa:

The raw mask is clearly not tight enough due to the operation trade-offs we fabricated with our BodyPix parameters but .. so far so good!

This background gave me an idea …

Making Information technology Fun

At present that we take the masking done, what tin nosotros do to make it look better?

The get-go obvious stride is to smooth the mask out, with something like:

                                          ane                                  def                  post_process_mask                  (                  mask                  ):                                                            ii                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  dilate                  (                  mask                  ,                  np                  .                  ones                  ((                  10                  ,                  x                  ),                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                  ,                  iterations                  =                  1                  )                                                            3                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  erode                  (                  mask                  ,                  np                  .                  ones                  ((                  10                  ,                  10                  ),                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                  ,                  iterations                  =                  1                  )                                                            iv                                  return                  mask                                                    

This tin can help a bit, but it's pretty minor and only replacing the background is a little irksome, since we've hacked this upwardly ourselves we can practice anything instead of just a basic groundwork removal …

Given that we're using a Star Wars "virtual groundwork" I decided to create hologram consequence to fit in improve. This as well lets lean into blurring the mask.

First update the post processing to:

                                          ane                                  def                  post_process_mask                  (                  mask                  ):                                                            2                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  amplify                  (                  mask                  ,                  np                  .                  ones                  ((                  ten                  ,                  ten                  ),                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                  ,                  iterations                  =                  ane                  )                                                            3                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  blur                  (                  mask                  .                  astype                  (                  float                  ),                  (                  xxx                  ,                  xxx                  ))                                                            four                                  return                  mask                                                    

Now the edges are blurry which is good, just nosotros need to starting time edifice the hologram effect.

Hollywood holograms typically have the post-obit properties:

  • washed out / monochromatic color, as if done with a bright laser
  • browse lines or a grid similar effect, equally if many beams created the paradigm
  • "ghosting" as if the projection is washed in layers or imperfectly reaching the correct distance

We can add these step by step.

First for the blueish tint we but demand to apply an OpenCV colormap:

                                          1                                  # map the frame into a blue-greenish colorspace                                                            2                                  holo                  =                  cv2                  .                  applyColorMap                  (                  frame                  ,                  cv2                  .                  COLORMAP_WINTER                  )                                                    

Then we can add the scan lines with a halftone-like outcome:

                                          ane                                  # for every bandLength rows darken to ten-xxx% brightness,                                                            2                                  # then don't touch for bandGap rows.                                                            3                                  bandLength                  ,                  bandGap                  =                  2                  ,                  3                                                            4                                  for                  y                  in                  range                  (                  holo                  .                  shape                  [                  0                  ]):                                                            five                                  if                  y                  %                  (                  bandLength                  +                  bandGap                  )                  <                  bandLength                  :                                                            half dozen                                  holo                  [                  y                  ,:,:]                  =                  holo                  [                  y                  ,:,:]                  *                  np                  .                  random                  .                  compatible                  (                  0.1                  ,                  0.3                  )                                                    

Side by side we tin add some ghosting by adding weighted copies of the current upshot, shifted forth an axis:

                                                            i                                  # shift_img from:                                                                              2                                  def                  shift_img                  (                  img                  ,                  dx                  ,                  dy                  ):                                                                              iii                                  img                  =                  np                  .                  roll                  (                  img                  ,                  dy                  ,                  axis                  =                  0                  )                                                                              four                                  img                  =                  np                  .                  roll                  (                  img                  ,                  dx                  ,                  axis                  =                  1                  )                                                                              five                                  if                  dy                  >                  0                  :                                                                              vi                                  img                  [:                  dy                  ,                  :]                  =                  0                                                                              vii                                  elif                  dy                  <                  0                  :                                                                              viii                                  img                  [                  dy                  :,                  :]                  =                  0                                                                              9                                  if                  dx                  >                  0                  :                                                            10                                  img                  [:,                  :                  dx                  ]                  =                  0                                                            eleven                                  elif                  dx                  <                  0                  :                                                            12                                  img                  [:,                  dx                  :]                  =                  0                                                            thirteen                                  return                  img                                                            14                                                                            15                                  # the first ane is roughly: holo * 0.ii + shifted_holo * 0.8 + 0                                                            sixteen                                  holo2                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  holo                  ,                  0.two                  ,                  shift_img                  (                  holo1                  .                  re-create                  (),                  5                  ,                  v                  ),                  0.viii                  ,                  0                  )                                                            17                                  holo2                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  holo2                  ,                  0.4                  ,                  shift_img                  (                  holo1                  .                  re-create                  (),                  -                  5                  ,                  -                  5                  ),                  0.6                  ,                  0                  )                                                    

Last: We'll want to go on some of the original colour, and then let's combine the holo upshot with the original frame like to how nosotros added the ghosting:

                                          1                                  holo_done                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  img                  ,                  0.5                  ,                  holo2                  ,                  0.6                  ,                  0                  )                                                    

A frame with the hologram effect at present looks similar:

On it'due south ain this looks pretty 🤷

Just combined with our virtual background information technology looks more like:

There we get! 🎉 (I promise it looks libation with motion / video 🙃

Outputting Video

Now we're just missing one thing … We can't actually use this in a call yet.

To set that, we're going to use pyfakewebcam and v4l2loopback to create a false webcam device.

We're also going to really wire this all upward with docker.

Get-go create a requirements.txt with our dependencies:


                                          i                                  numpy                  ==1.18.2                                                                              two                                  opencv-python==                                                                              3                                                    requests                  ==2.23.0                                                                              4                                                    pyfakewebcam                  ==0.1.0                                    

And and so the Dockerfile for the fake camera app:


                                                            1                                  FROM                                      python:3-buster                                                                                                                  ii                                                    # ensure pip is up to appointment                                                                                                                  iii                                                    RUN                  pip install --upgrade pip                                                                                                4                                                    # install opencv dependencies                                                                                                                  5                                                    RUN                  apt-get update                  &&                  \                                                                                                six                                                    apt-get install -y                  \                                                                                                7                                                    `                  # opencv requirements` \                                                                              8                                  libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev                  \                                                                                                9                                                    `                  # opencv video opening requirements` \                                                            x                                  libv4l-dev                                                                              xi                                                    # install our requirements                                                                                                12                                                    WORKDIR                                      /src                                                                                                xiii                                                    Re-create                  requirements.txt /src/                                                                              14                                                    RUN                  pip install --no-cache-dir -r /src/requirements.txt                                                                              15                                                    # copy in the virtual groundwork                                                                                                16                                                    Re-create                  background.jpg /data/                                                                              17                                                    # run our false photographic camera script (with unbuffered output for easier debug)                                                                                                18                                                    COPY         /src/                                                                              19                                                    ENTRYPOINT                  python -u                                    

We're going to need to install v4l2loopback from a crush:

                                          ane                sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms                                                    

And and then configure a fake camera device:

                                          one                sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback                                                            2                sudo modprobe v4l2loopback                  devices                  =                  1                  video_nr                  =                  xx                  card_label                  =                  "v4l2loopback"                  exclusive_caps                  =                  one                                                    

We need the exclusive_caps setting for some apps (chrome, zoom) to work, the label is merely for our convenience when selecting the camera in apps, and the video number just makes this /dev/video20 if bachelor, which is unlikely to be already in use.

At present we can update our script to create the imitation camera:

                                          1                                  # once again use width, height from before                                                            2                                  fake                  =                  pyfakewebcam                  .                  FakeWebcam                  (                  '/dev/video20'                  ,                  width                  ,                  acme                  )                                                    

We as well need to annotation that pyfakewebcam expects images in RGB (red, greenish, blueish) while our OpenCV operations are in BGR (blueish, greenish, blood-red) aqueduct order.

We can fix this earlier outputting and then send a frame with:

                                          i                                  frame                  =                  cv2                  .                  cvtColor                  (                  frame                  ,                  cv2                  .                  COLOR_BGR2RGB                  )                                                            2                                  faux                  .                  schedule_frame                  (                  frame                  )                                                    

All together the script looks like:

                                                            1                                  import                  os                                                                              2                                  import                  cv2                                                                              3                                  import                  numpy                  equally                  np                                                                              4                                  import                  requests                                                                              5                                  import                  pyfakewebcam                                                                              6                                                                                              7                                  def                  get_mask                  (                  frame                  ,                  bodypix_url                  =                  'http://localhost:9000'                  ):                                                                              8                                  _                  ,                  data                  =                  cv2                  .                  imencode                  (                  ".jpg"                  ,                  frame                  )                                                                              9                                  r                  =                  requests                  .                  mail                  (                                                            10                                  url                  =                  bodypix_url                  ,                                                            eleven                                  data                  =                  data                  .                  tobytes                  (),                                                            12                                  headers                  =                  {                  'Content-Type'                  :                  'application/octet-stream'                  })                                                            13                                  mask                  =                  np                  .                  frombuffer                  (                  r                  .                  content                  ,                  dtype                  =                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                                                            14                                  mask                  =                  mask                  .                  reshape                  ((                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  0                  ],                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  1                  ]))                                                            15                                  return                  mask                                                            16                                                                            17                                  def                  post_process_mask                  (                  mask                  ):                                                            18                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  dilate                  (                  mask                  ,                  np                  .                  ones                  ((                  10                  ,                  x                  ),                  np                  .                  uint8                  )                  ,                  iterations                  =                  one                  )                                                            19                                  mask                  =                  cv2                  .                  mistiness                  (                  mask                  .                  astype                  (                  float                  ),                  (                  30                  ,                  30                  ))                                                            20                                  return                  mask                                                            21                                                                            22                                  def                  shift_image                  (                  img                  ,                  dx                  ,                  dy                  ):                                                            23                                  img                  =                  np                  .                  curl                  (                  img                  ,                  dy                  ,                  axis                  =                  0                  )                                                            24                                  img                  =                  np                  .                  gyre                  (                  img                  ,                  dx                  ,                  axis                  =                  1                  )                                                            25                                  if                  dy                  >                  0                  :                                                            26                                  img                  [:                  dy                  ,                  :]                  =                  0                                                            27                                  elif                  dy                  <                  0                  :                                                            28                                  img                  [                  dy                  :,                  :]                  =                  0                                                            29                                  if                  dx                  >                  0                  :                                                            30                                  img                  [:,                  :                  dx                  ]                  =                  0                                                            31                                  elif                  dx                  <                  0                  :                                                            32                                  img                  [:,                  dx                  :]                  =                  0                                                            33                                  return                  img                                                            34                                                                            35                                  def                  hologram_effect                  (                  img                  ):                                                            36                                  # add a bluish tint                                                            37                                  holo                  =                  cv2                  .                  applyColorMap                  (                  img                  ,                  cv2                  .                  COLORMAP_WINTER                  )                                                            38                                  # add together a halftone issue                                                            39                                  bandLength                  ,                  bandGap                  =                  2                  ,                  iii                                                            40                                  for                  y                  in                  range                  (                  holo                  .                  shape                  [                  0                  ]):                                                            41                                  if                  y                  %                  (                  bandLength                  +                  bandGap                  )                  <                  bandLength                  :                                                            42                                  holo                  [                  y                  ,:,:]                  =                  holo                  [                  y                  ,:,:]                  *                  np                  .                  random                  .                  uniform                  (                  0.1                  ,                  0.iii                  )                                                            43                                  # add some ghosting                                                            44                                  holo_blur                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  holo                  ,                  0.ii                  ,                  shift_image                  (                  holo                  .                  copy                  (),                  5                  ,                  5                  ),                  0.8                  ,                  0                  )                                                            45                                  holo_blur                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  holo_blur                  ,                  0.4                  ,                  shift_image                  (                  holo                  .                  copy                  (),                  -                  five                  ,                  -                  five                  ),                  0.6                  ,                  0                  )                                                            46                                  # combine with the original color, oversaturated                                                            47                                  out                  =                  cv2                  .                  addWeighted                  (                  img                  ,                  0.5                  ,                  holo_blur                  ,                  0.six                  ,                  0                  )                                                            48                                  return                  out                                                            49                                                                            50                                  def                  get_frame                  (                  cap                  ,                  background_scaled                  ):                                                            51                                  _                  ,                  frame                  =                  cap                  .                  read                  ()                                                            52                                  # fetch the mask with retries (the app needs to warmup and we're lazy)                                                            53                                  # e v e n t u a fifty l y c o north s i south t due east n t                                                            54                                  mask                  =                  None                                                            55                                  while                  mask                  is                  None                  :                                                            56                                  try                  :                                                            57                                  mask                  =                  get_mask                  (                  frame                  )                                                            58                                  except                  requests                  .                  RequestException                  :                                                            59                                  print                  (                  "mask request failed, retrying"                  )                                                            60                                  # postal service-process mask and frame                                                            61                                  mask                  =                  post_process_mask                  (                  mask                  )                                                            62                                  frame                  =                  hologram_effect                  (                  frame                  )                                                            63                                  # composite the foreground and background                                                            64                                  inv_mask                  =                  1                  -                  mask                                                            65                                  for                  c                  in                  range                  (                  frame                  .                  shape                  [                  2                  ]):                                                            66                                  frame                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  =                  frame                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  *                  mask                  +                  background_scaled                  [:,:,                  c                  ]                  *                  inv_mask                                                            67                                  render                  frame                                                            68                                                                            69                                  # setup access to the *real* webcam                                                            70                                  cap                  =                  cv2                  .                  VideoCapture                  (                  '/dev/video0'                  )                                                            71                                  height                  ,                  width                  =                  720                  ,                  1280                                                            72                                  cap                  .                  set                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH                  ,                  width                  )                                                            73                                  cap                  .                  set up                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT                  ,                  pinnacle                  )                                                            74                                  cap                  .                  set up                  (                  cv2                  .                  CAP_PROP_FPS                  ,                  60                  )                                                            75                                                                            76                                  # setup the fake camera                                                            77                                  fake                  =                  pyfakewebcam                  .                  FakeWebcam                  (                  '/dev/video20'                  ,                  width                  ,                  height                  )                                                            78                                                                            79                                  # load the virtual background                                                            80                                  background                  =                  cv2                  .                  imread                  (                  "/information/background.jpg"                  )                                                            81                                  background_scaled                  =                  cv2                  .                  resize                  (                  background                  ,                  (                  width                  ,                  peak                  ))                                                            82                                                                            83                                  # frames forever                                                            84                                  while                  True                  :                                                            85                                  frame                  =                  get_frame                  (                  cap                  ,                  background_scaled                  )                                                            86                                  # fake webcam expects RGB                                                            87                                  frame                  =                  cv2                  .                  cvtColor                  (                  frame                  ,                  cv2                  .                  COLOR_BGR2RGB                  )                                                            88                                  fake                  .                  schedule_frame                  (                  frame                  )                                                    

Now build the images:

                                          i                docker build -t bodypix ./bodypix                                                            2                docker build -t fakecam ./fakecam                                                    

And run them like:

                                                            1                                  # create a network                                                                              ii                docker network create --driver bridge fakecam                                                                              3                                  # starting time the bodypix app                                                                              iv                docker run -d                  \                                                                                                5                                                    --name=bodypix                  \                                                                                                half-dozen                                                    --network=fakecam                  \                                                                                                seven                                                    -p 9000:9000                  \                                                                                                8                                                    --gpus=all --shm-size=1g --ulimit                  memlock                  =-1 --ulimit                  stack                  =                  67108864                  \                                                                                                9                                                    bodypix                                                            10                                  # commencement the photographic camera, annotation that we demand to laissez passer through video devices,                                                            11                                  # and we want our user ID and group to have permission to them                                                            12                                  # you may need to `sudo groupadd $USER video`                                                            13                docker run -d                  \                                                                              14                                                    --name=fakecam                  \                                                                              15                                                    --network=fakecam                  \                                                                              16                                                    -u                  "                  $(id -u)                  :                  $(getent group video                  |                  cut -d: -f3)                  "                  \                                                                              17                                                    $(notice /dev -proper noun                  'video*'                  -printf                  "--device %p "                  )                  \                                                                              18                                                    fakecam                                                    

Now make certain to offset this before opening the camera with any apps, and exist sure to select the "v4l2loopback" / /dev/video20 camera in Zoom etc.

The Finished Outcome

Here's a quick prune I recorded of this in action:

Look! I'yard dialing in from the Millennium Falcon with an open up source camera stack!

I'm pretty happy with how this came out. I'll definitely be joining all of my meetings this way in the morning. 😀


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